I lost the game, but won some silence
Aug 20th, 2006 by Peter
As one would have guesses (the odds was 1:1.05), my wife won the “The-rabbit-needs-a-friend-game”. Even though I didn’t agree that the current rabbit (named: Chou) was especially lonely, I had to admit that rabbits rarely are alone in the nature, so maybe he would enjoy company. Thus I caved.
There was a question that needed answering first. Was Chou a male or female? If he, as we always believed, was a male, then it was no go. I was not interested in getting a farm, and putting him with another male would according to experts be bloody. So we brought him to a shop so they could confirm the sex and taaa-daaa: Chou changed before our eyes. He is now a she.
So without any more good arguments, I had to give in and get her a “friend”.
This it the result and she is named Xiang (Chou and Xiang = Stinky and Fragrant. Pretty innovative, right?):
They still don’t get along well. That is Chou don’t get along well, so we haven’t yet put them in the same cage. So far it has been play dates which basically is a ‘who can shit and pee most on the floor’ contest.
We also discovered that we were not the only ones that were in doubt about Chou’s sex. Chou is too, as she tries to hump Xiang. Well, Xiang is no wiser, and tries the same. But at least Xiang have figured out what is front and rear. Chou is a bit naughtier and tends to go for a 400bpm frontal assault (or unwilling BJ). What we need right now is another brain damaged rabbit, right?