Busy busy busy
Apr 3rd, 2006 by Peter
Lately everything has been a mix of reunion bliss and a load of things to do.
Day one after C’s arrival, we went to the police station and delivered the papers for permanent stay. Very smooth this time, and hats off to the employee that managed our papers. Even though she is only “first leg” on the journey towards permanent stay and really only checks if all papers needed are present, she really was very polite and understanding to the immense pile of paperwork we submitted. A very good experience indeed. The nice lady ships the papers on to Copenhagen where Danish Immigration Service (DIS) handles the rest of C’s case.
Now we just wait for the reply from the DIS to arrive. Not that I am worried about what to expect, since this is normal procedure. Next step will be DIS acknowledging that they have received the papers, and that C can stay meanwhile processing the case, and then the infamous demand for a bank guarantee of 54.000Dkr (8.500-9.000 US$).