Eurovision Song Crap
Feb 13th, 2007 by Peter
Note: The crap-count in this entry is rated “high” to “extreme”.
Every year Europe have our own huge craptacular called Eurovision Song Contest. All countries can elect one song to participate in what may possibly be the worst song contest ever. It is full of hideous easy-listening elevator songs breed for one single purpose The destruction of man. Oh, sorry, got sidetracked a bit. Anyway, I made my point.
I like pop at times, but I really hate Eurovision Song Contest (ESC). Here in Denmark we have a preliminary round with a handful of songs composed and performed by Danes only. If you haven’t guessed it already they are all pure crap. All songs are made for this show only, and one of them will win and go to the big European event. This year a guy named DQ won with his song: “I’m your Drama Queen”. Yes you guessed it: Priscilla, Queen of the Desert would have been proud of his outfit.
What makes people like the ESC music is beyond me. Somehow I am all alone with this opinion at my work. At least in the office where I sit with my 3 colleagues. Two of them seem to love it and for 1+ hour today they have force-fed me with the songs streamed from the net. It doesn’t help that my body language gives me away so easily, which makes it extra fun to watch me wriggle for mercy.
I know that a few artists/songs have made it beyond ESC, but that’s way too few to justify airing the crap every damn year.
Because ESC is so popular here in Denmark, I know the drill from other years. The next week or so, I will have to listen to the sucky tunes a lot on the department’s radio. Then slowly it will fade until we near the bigger European event. Then the song will rise again because of misunderstood patriotism. No matter how crappy the song is. Then after the show, when the Danish song probably is voted most horrible of them all, it will get some air time again. Only because some Danes will be filled with the good old you-can’t-keep-us-down-feeling! Then at last it vanishes forever and 1 year later most people will feel embarrassed they ever backed it up. Same show every damn year. Isn’t this tip-off that the songs sucked in the first place? It just shouldn’t have been brought to life at all.
I can’t seem to grasp why some songs suddenly are popular just because they participate in a contest? Welcome to the “Emperor’s new clothes”. If you line-up 20 hideous people, and one is a bit less ugly than the others, should this person then be considered model material? Get the drift?
I vote that we learn from the good old Chinese system under Mao and introduce denunciation meetings followed by some self-criticisms after every ESC. That oughta keep the worst frenzy at bay.
Right now the first week of horror has just started for me. Cross your fingers for my sanity. Thanks in advance.
Link: Eurovision Song Contest in Denmark < --- Click the link to the right on the page to see the winner perform (Se DQ synge 'Drama Queen' ved finalen)
And off course you forgot last years winners … A rather unfortunately looking bunch called Lordi…. This really says it all ….
Yeah, forgot those ones. Guess it backs up my claim that these songs are easily forgotten.